

March 9, 2023


  • Create a Spring API REST with all CRUD.
  • Connect to a MONGO DB.


Movie class and attributes. Lombok annotation has been used to create setters, getters and constructors. Document and Id annotation used to storage Data on DB.

@Document(collection = "movies")
public class Movie {
    private ObjectId id;
    private String imdbId;
    private String title;
    private String releaseDate;
    private String trailer;
    private String poster;
    private List<String> generes;
    private List<String> backdrops;
    // this annotation relationes review id and stores to the list.
    private List<Review> reviewIds;

Review class and attributes. Lombok annotation has been used to create setters, getters and constructors. Documentand id annotation used to storage Data on DB.

@Document(collection = "reviews")
public class Review {
    private ObjectId id;
    private String reviewBody;

    public Review(String reviewBody) {
        this.reviewBody = reviewBody;


Service class with all the busines logic needed for CRUD operations for both classes.

public class MovieService {
    MovieRepository movieRepository;
    public List<Movie> getAllMovies(){
            return movieRepository.findAll();

    public Optional<Movie> getMovieById(ObjectId id){
        return movieRepository.findById(id);

    public Optional<Movie> getMovieByImdbId(String imdbId){
        return movieRepository.findMovieByImdbId(imdbId);


public class ReviewService {
    ReviewRepository reviewRepository;

    private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    //Review is created and performs the update operation on tue Movie object
    public Review createReview(String reviewBody, String imdbId){
        Review newReview = reviewRepository.insert(new Review(reviewBody));

                .apply(new Update().push("reviewIds").value(newReview)).first();
        return newReview;


Here is the controllers and all the end-points needed to perform CRUD operations for both classes.

public class MovieController {

    MovieService movieService;
    // returning a Response Entity with the 200 HTTP code as a return
    public ResponseEntity<List<Movie>> allMovies(){
        return new ResponseEntity<List<Movie>>(movieService.getAllMovies(), HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResponseEntity<Optional<Movie>> getMovieById(@PathVariable ObjectId id){
        return new ResponseEntity<Optional<Movie>>(movieService.getMovieById(id), HttpStatus.OK);

    public ResponseEntity<Optional<Movie>> getMovieByImdbId(@PathVariable String imdbId){
        return new ResponseEntity<Optional<Movie>>(movieService.getMovieByImdbId(imdbId), HttpStatus.OK);

public class ReviewController {
    ReviewService reviewService;

    public ResponseEntity<Review> createReview(@RequestBody Map<String, String> payload){
        return new ResponseEntity<Review>(reviewService.createReview(payload.get("reviewBody"), payload.get("imdbId")), HttpStatus.CREATED);


Tree folder project structure

Here’s the structure of the project. Note that there’s a Index Controller to manage the home page.

Project Structure


Source code here GitHub